Creating requests

See the Request documentation for more info

Creating a new record

See the pysnow.Request.insert() documentation for more details.

# Create a new record
result = s.insert(table='incident', payload={'field1': 'value1', 'field2': 'value2'})

# Print out the number of the created record

Getting a single record

Here we’ll utilize get_one(), a convenience function for getting a single record without having to use a generator.

See the pysnow.Request.get_one() documentation for more details.

request = s.query(table='incident', query={'number': 'INC01234'})

# Fetch one record and filter out everything but 'number' and 'sys_id' from the results
result = request.get_one(fields=['number', 'sys_id'])

Getting multiple records

get_multiple() returns a generator response (iterable) , also, this method chains linked responses.

See the pysnow.Request.get_multiple() documentation for more details.

request = s.query(table='incident', query={'state': 2})

# Fetch multiple records sorted by the category field in ascending order, with a secondary sort by created_on in descending order.
# Finally, iterate over the results and print out sys_id for each record.
for record in request.get_multiple(order_by=['category', '-created_on']):

Updating a record

See the pysnow.Request.update() documentation for more details.

request = s.query(table='incident', query={'number': 'INC01234'})

# Update the record
result = request.update({'description': 'test'})

print("Record '%s' was successfully updated" % result)

Deleting a record

See the pysnow.Request.delete() documentation for more details.

# Query the incident table by number
request = s.query(table='incident', query={'number': 'INC01234'})

# Delete the record
result = request.delete()

if result['success'] == True:
    print("Record deleted")

Request error handling

See the pysnow.exceptions.UnexpectedResponse() documentation for more details.

UnexpectedResponse can be used with all CRUD methods and contains important information of what went wrong when interfacing with the API

# Create new record and catch possible server response exceptions
    s.insert(table='incident', payload={'field1': 'value1', 'field2': 'value2'})
except pysnow.UnexpectedResponse as e:
    print("%s, details: %s" % (e.error_summary, e.error_details))