Using the OAuthClientΒΆ

Example showing how tokens can be obtained, stored and refreshed using the OAuthClient.

import pysnow
import session

# Takes care of refreshing the token storage
def updater(new_token):
    print("OAuth token refreshed!")
    session['token'] = new_token

# Create the OAuthClient with the ServiceNow provided `client_id` and `client_secret`, and a `token_updater`
# function which takes care of refreshing local token storage.
s = pysnow.OAuthClient(client_id='<client_id_from_servicenow>', client_secret='<client_secret_from_servicenow>',
                       token_updater=updater, instance='<instance_name>')

if not session['token']:
    # No previous token exists. Generate new.
    session['token'] = s.generate_token('<username>', '<password>')

# Set the access / refresh tokens

# We should now be good to go. Let's define a `Resource` for the incident API.
incident_resource = resource(api_path='/table/incident')

# Fetch incident with number INC012345, or None
record = incident_resource.get(query={'number': 'INC012345'}).one_or_none()

if not record:
    print("No such incident")